Tuesday 8 November 2016

Ashley Treatment

Although based on a blog, this site is meant to be read starting from the top. It contains comments and opinions based directly on the slide produced by Ashley's father as a justification for the treatment given to his daughter.

Introduction to the Ashley Treatment

October 18, 2009 by Single Dad   

From Wikipedia (and there are many other sources) …

The Ashley Treatment refers to a controversial set of medical procedures undergone by a Seattle child, “Ashley X”. Ashley, born in 1997, has severe developmental disabilities due to static encephalopathy of unknown etiology; she is, and will remain, at an infant level mentally and physically. 

The treatment included growth attenuation via estrogen therapy; hysterectomy, bilateral breast bud removal, and appendectomy; see a one slide summary of 

Ashley’s condition, the treatment and its benefits as prepared by her parents.

The principal purpose of the treatment was to improve Ashley’s quality of life by limiting her growth in size, eliminating menstrual cramps and bleeding, and preventing discomfort from large breasts. The combination of the surgery and the estrogen therapy attracted much public comment and ethical analysis in early 2007, both supportive and condemning. The hospital later admitted that the surgery was illegal and should only have been performed after a court order, a position that is disagreed upon by the attorney of Ashley’s family.