Saturday 3 February 2024

Aurora Residential Care Budget as of February 2024


Aurora residential care cost per month 2024


Monthly budget of Anke & Markus – requirements for being accommodated full-time in the Aurora Special Care Centre Residence are as follows:  


Aurora Residential Care Anke & Markus (monthly total cost)


R25 000.00

(full board & lodging)

Clothing and toiletries




Disposable nappies


R2 906.00


Medical aid: Hospital Plan (A & M’s portion).

Dental and medical appliances




R4 678.00


R1 500.00



Per month (saving towards replacements)

Pharmacy (co-payments non-PMBs)


R1 000.00

Per month



R35 584.00

per month

TOTAL:  R35 584.00 x 12 =


R427 008.00

per annum


*Excluded from above budget:


We are on a hospital plan. Medical expenses for ourselves and Anke and Markus (everything that takes place outside of a hospital stay) are for our own account. Hospital plans pay for in hospital services plus (required by law) certain listed/permitted ‘prescribed minimum benefits’ (PMBs) such as chronic medicine according to a list of some 27 conditions. Hospital plans do not pay for visits or other services provided by doctors, optometrists, physiotherapists.