Tuesday 25 November 2014

The Dynamics of Flexibility

Best selling author Dan Millman says, “Flexibility involves a pragmatic acceptance of, rather than rigid resistance toward, the present moment, acceptance of ourselves, others, and current circumstances. This does not in any way imply passive toleration for what we don’t like, nor does it mean ignoring injustice or allowing ourselves to be victimised. Flexibility requires an alert and expansive state of awareness, it entails not just ‘going with the flow,’ but embracing and making constructive use of it. Mastering this law, we turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones and problems into opportunities.''
Flexibility may appear unrealistic and idealistic at first, bringing up a variety of questions, such as, “what if we’re attacked on the street, or a tragedy happens to a loved one? How do we ‘embrace’ that?” Such questions are fair and important, but the answer comes down to this: Great pleasure and great pain and injustice exist in this world. When something painful happens to a group of people, some of these people mentally resist the experience, in total shock, denial, and fear, they suffer the worst, like the tree with rigid branches that break in the wind.

Others in the group have developed the ability to bend, to accept and experience the situation fully, while keeping in touch with the bigger picture of life – with a sense of perspective about how things are. They accept their emotions and express them fully, but like the branch that bends, they do not break but snap back. Without mental rigidity or resistance, they can respond in the most effective, creative way. 

In flexibility lies great strength. With flexibility, we learn to treat sun and rain, heat and cold, as equals. We experience life as less painful, less of a struggle, by responding rather than resisting, we treat pain as a test and make the best use of it we can, if only to learn. When we view life only from the personal viewpoint of our conventional minds, we certainly won’t always feel ‘grateful’ for some events such as financial setbacks or catching the flu. This however, reminds us to expand our vision beyond ourselves to see the bigger picture so we can better appreciate that every circumstance, whether it appears positive or negative at the time, serves as an opportunity to strengthen our spirit.

Stress happens whenever the mind resists what arises in life – whether situations, people or emotions. Phrases like ‘’I’d  rather be’’ or ‘’They should (or shouldn’t) be’’ reflect our resistance to what is. By seeing everything we meet as a potential lesson that may, in the long run, make us stronger, wiser, or more whole, we get past expectations or judgements about what is and embrace life.

The serenity prayer used by Alcoholics Anonymous and other twelve-step programmes reflects the Law of Flexibility: ‘’God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.’’

Flexibility avails us far more than either passivity or resistance, by actively using whatever arises, embracing even the most painful circumstances, we deal with our difficulties more effectively as we begin to see them as a form of spiritual training.

Always fall in with what you’re asked to accept. Fall in with it and turn it your way - Robert Frost

Monday 3 November 2014

For the Boy Who Makes Waves - By Joe Blair - E-mail: modernlove@nytimes.co - Published: October 9, 2009

PROSPECTIVE  buyers must wonder about the hard-packed runway of dirt in our backyard where grass won’t grow. And the hasp and padlock on the refrigerator. They must wonder why the gate on our six-foot-high picket fence is permanently bolted shut.

Deb and I hardly think about these things. We’ve been with Michael for 11 years.

There are two runways inside the fence. One traces the edge of the house. The dog made this one. He sprints from window to window, tracking my location. Am I in the kitchen? Leaving the kitchen? Walking to the living room? Walking back to the kitchen? D’Artagnan’s head pops up in each window as I pass. It might be cute if it weren’t for the destroyed windowsills and muddy paw prints on the siding.

The other runway, in the center of our tiny backyard, belongs to Michael. It’s a 10-by-3-foot stretch of shiny earth. There are three layers of sod beneath it, each one representing Deb’s hope that this time the grass will take hold, this time the grass will take hold, this time ...

Once she placed lawn chairs over the spot, but Mike moved them. She tried a heavy picnic table, but it blocked the sunlight and the grass almost died anyway. So we moved the table and Mike finished the job with his pacing.

First thing in the morning, whether at 2 or 6 or 8, you can depend on Mike finding one of my leather belts, sneaking out the back door, and starting to pace on that patch of dirt, a brown packed surface, hard on dry days, slick on rainy days. What could be better? A belt that, if you grab it by the buckle and move it back and forth at a certain pace, will make sine wave after sine wave, its tail lapping the ground ever so gently as it releases the previous wave into the universe.

It is a mesmerizing thing. So absorbing. So incredibly fantastical that Mike can’t help releasing loud shrieks of delight. Or agony. Or pent up frustration. Or joy. In that muddy patch. In that sinusoidal belt. In that release into the universe.

Typically he will be naked. Or have only boxer shorts on. He will be screaming or singing or howling in a shatteringly high pitch; he is a supersonic Tarzan, an alarm clock we cannot ignore. Because we have sleeping neighbors: a veterinarian and his wife, a guy who is the head of some department at the University of Iowa, and another who works in the penal system.

And one of us, Deb or I, cursing beneath our breath, will peel ourselves out of bed and hurry down the creaking stairway.

“Michael!” we will say in our most authoritative voice. “Michael. Get in here!”

And Michael will drop the belt and do as we say. He will leave behind the thing he loves most. More than food. And he will do what we say. Until we are back in bed. And then he will return to his beautiful runway. With his magical belt. And he will make the world understandable in a sinusoidal way.

It is a poor substitute, we have learned, for the real thing, ocean waves. When Mike first saw the ocean, two summers ago on a beach in San Francisco, he was enthralled. He dropped the belt he always carries, threw himself on the sand that was warm and fine, and listened to the sound of the surf. It was as if he had finally found someone who spoke his language. The Pacific Ocean. Mother of all sine waves.

We visited the beach everyday for five days, but this was only vacation. And despite what boys want, vacations end. Soon Mike was back in Iowa and it was the belt again, lapping against the brick walkway while he waited for the school bus with his father.

One evening Michael’s twin sister, Lucy, said to Deb and me: “The teachers will think I’m stupid. Like Mike.”

“Mike is not stupid,” Deb said.

“Mom,” Lucy said, patiently. “You know what I mean.”

“Yes,” Deb said. “I know what you mean. But you’ve got to know what I mean, too. Imagine if you found yourself in the middle of China somewhere. And everyone was trying to talk to you. But you couldn’t understand them. And everyone thought you were stupid. But you were still just like you are. How would you feel?”

I have had glimpses of the kind of man I should be. Such are the revelations we are afforded. Passing glimpses, like the small, hidden pond you pass while driving on a particular road for the first time. Suddenly opening up and then closing once again. So that it can be instantly forgotten, or recalled only in part.

I have had these glimpses. Once, while attending some frighteningly capitalistic rally for Amma, the hugging saint, her face magnified and simulcast throughout the convention center in Coralville, Iowa, and printed on mugs and glossy paper and everything else, I had such a glimpse.

I had taken Mike to see the hugging saint for the same reason we have taken him a lot of places — with the hope that somehow it might help, that something might reach him. Anyway, what did we have to lose?

Once there, however, I did not want to hug the hugging saint. I did not need her blessing. Or the glazed smiles of her followers. Or the hypnotizing chants. I did not need anything other than to get my son, who was lying on the floor, feeling the carpet with his lips, and screaming, outside and in the car where I could maybe listen to the Cubs game. And then, while I was hauling Michael to his feet, Amma’s interpreter came on the screen and said something about eternity. And then he said something about kindness.

When I was 10, I would pray to God and ask for my challenge. “Give me my challenge,” I would pray. “Give me my challenge.” And at my lowest moments I have thought: “That was my mistake. I asked for it.”

These days I rarely talk to Mike because he rarely responds in any way. You may think this is cruel, ignoring my own son. And if you were to spend one day with him, you might be full of energy and hope and good will. But I have been with him every day of his life for 11 years. My bad habit of ignoring my son has become so ingrained that our routine of noncommunication has become something of a runway all its own. And I ignore the very things that fascinate Michael. The belt. The patch of dirt.

Still, once in awhile, we engage one another. Sometimes, for example, we play the blinking game. While lying next to each other, very close, Mike will look at me out of the corner of his eye, a sly smile playing across his face, and he will blink once. Then, in response, I will blink once. His smile will gain in radiance. And he will answer my blink with one blink of his own. This will go on for some time, whipping Mike up into a fit of laughter.

Tonight, I lie next to Mike. It’s 11, well past his bedtime. He has been nervous. Maybe he has broken into the refrigerator and eaten some of the food we have forbidden him to eat — like bread or cheese or milk — since we’ve put him on the gluten-free, casein-free diet.

He has been laughing hysterically for at least an hour, which might seem cute to you but to me indicates that Michael is on the edge of a seizure. Our faces are very close in the dark. Mike likes it this way. Close. He is a beautiful boy. His eyes are large and liquid. His facial features are clean.

The great challenge I asked for when I was a boy, imagining the crack of doom and the Argonauts and the seven feats of Hercules, is lying in bed next to me, very close to my face. Faith is nothing other than an acceptance of eternity and, at the same time, of death. The great challenge, my great challenge, is nothing other than, in the face of eternity and death, a question of kindness.

Can I, being alive at this time, love this boy? Can I listen to him? Can I be a good father to this boy?

We have glimpsed the future, of Mike at 6-foot-3 and 250 pounds, his sporadic anger triggering the need for drugs, restraints, while I grow older, smaller and weaker. And Deb and I decided that we want a shot at a different future, one in which Mike, near his beloved waves, in a place where it seems he belongs, maybe isn’t so troubled.

So after nearly two decades in Iowa, we’re moving to the coast, to the waves. I have no work there, but I will find work. We have no community awaiting us, but we will make one.

The people who come to look at our house don’t understand this, but it is not theirs to understand. It has not been given to them. It has been given to us.

“Mike,” I say, in the darkness. “You’re a good kid.” I say it, and then I keep listening for once. I don’t stop listening after a few seconds as I normally do. Instead, I let the seconds run on.

Mike has ceased his laughter now. After some time, I don’t know how long, he whispers very quietly, “You’re” and “a good kid.” And then, “a good.” And then, “kid.” And then, “Mike, you’re a good kid.”

“I’m proud of you,” I say. The words wave and wave. And then they come back. Broken and then full. “Proud,” Michael says. “I’m proud of you.”

“I love you,” I say. It’s a profession. It’s also a self-rebuke.

“Love,” Mike says a few minutes later. “I love you. Love you. I love. I love you. You.”

After Mike seems to be done with his response, I ask, “How would you like to live by the ocean?”

This brings a big smile. He is looking off. Away. At something far. The words wave and wave. “Ocean,” he says.

Joe Blair, a pipe fitter in Iowa City, is working on a collection of essays.

Feedback Aurora workshop on Compassion Fatigue - Saturday 01 November 2014.

Inputs/feedback by staff & parents    

The workshop went very well according to feedback from staff and parents (verbal and evaluation afterwards).

Aurora staff said that they were not aware of what parents of disabled children experience and go through. It was the first time ever that they sat in a room and listened to the challengges parents of disabled children face on a daily basis. They have never heard parents talk so openly and honestly about the journey they find themselves on. The experience was very enlightning for them they said. It was also suggested that the workshop be presented to all staff at Aurora – and for parents who could not make it on Saturday.

It was appreciated that parents also made use of the opportunity to share their experiences. Some of the inputs from parents include the following:

On the blue cards, challenges‘Our daughter of 14 restricts us from doing things at the drop of a hat’. ‘Our son of 7 make me work hard and no rest’. ‘Our son of 8 – attention to others (and self)’ (lack thereof because of the challenges to take care of him).   ‘Unfair’ son of 4.    We suffer ‘shame’ daughter is 1 year and 4 months old.  ‘Sadness’ describe another parent’s experience, where another one wrote ‘lonelyness’.  ‘I worry about finances it is a problem no body helping’ – said another. ‘the future  (when we are not around to look after our child’. Child is 14 years old.

On the pink cards, good thingsparent of a boy of 7 – ‘it makes me love my family more’.  ‘Our son of 8 make us more aware to others, the innocence of actions of our child (is endearing)’.  ‘The smile and laugh of our child of 4’.  ‘our daghter of 16 months – time (princess)’.   ‘uncoditional love from kid’.  ‘Our daughter is still very young’.  Our son of 12 is strong’.  ‘Unconditional love from our 14 year old child’. ‘progress on my grandson since he is at Aurora (good)’.